Everything you need

Need to prescribe physical activity? No problem.

With Preventya Salud you can prescribe physical activity to your patients in a personalized and accessible way, keeping track of their evolution at all times.

App screenshot
Personalized digital prescription
Adapted to health status, treatment and medication.
Constant monitoring
Monitoring of the patient's physical activity.
Reviewed service
By professionals in physical activity and health.
Information security
Encryption of sensitive data following European regulations.
Speed in registration
Incorporate your patient in less than 30 seconds.
Customer service
Quickly and efficiently, ready to help at all times.

Transform Metabolic Prevention into a Personalized Experience

We empower doctors to positively influence the metabolic health of their patients, making a difference from the root of disorders. With our personalized physical activity prescription service, each patient will enjoy a service adapted to their health status, lifestyle, treatment and medication.

Doctor using preventya digital services in a clinic

Free access

Low prices assumed by patients, and no implementation cost.

Reviewed plans

All content is approved by sports doctors.

No permanence

You can delete your account at any time, with no permanence commitments.

Step 1

Service demo

Book a meeting to present you the web service and app, showing how we personalize sessions to address metabolic health problems.

Step 2


Account creation and training on the use of Preventya to prescribe workouts adapted to patients.

Step 3

Contract signing

Signing of the personal data co-responsibility contract, as we register the patient through email.

Step 4

All set!

Everything is ready to start prescribing personalized physical activity quickly and efficiently.

Schedule a meeting with the Preventya team.

We will show you the service and help you improve the health of your metabolic patients in a personalized way.

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