We're changing the way we people improve their health

In Preventya Salud we are committed to make accessible health improvement of patients through personalized physical activity. We work to prevent and treat diseases, backed by health professionals, guaranteeing accurate, reliable and personalized service.

Our mission

A healthier life is possible for everyone. Access to personalized physical activity is the key to improving the health of patients. People from vulnerable groups and in developing countries are the most affected by metabolic disorders. We work to make our service accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or economic situation.

Access to private health services is not always possible for everyone. Digitalization and the use of technology bring us closer to the possibility of offering personalized physical activity to everyone. Affordable and accessible health services are the key to improving the health of patients.

We know the importance of prevention and treatment of diseases through physical activity and we believe that we can generate a positive impact in society by making it accessible to everyone. Our mission is to bring personalized and quality physical activity around the world.

of premature deaths could be prevented with physical activity
more obesity affected in vulnerable groups
of global population does not meet physical activity recommendations

Our values

We are committed to prevention and treatment of diseases at everyones reach.

We guarantee a personalized and quality service, backed by health professionals.
We work to make our service accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or economic situation.
We suppport innovation and the use of technology to improve the health of patients.
Health habits
We want to generate healthy habits in patients, making a difference in their quality of life.
We believe in the sustainability of the planet and the health of its inhabitants.
We work to make our service useful for everyone, regardless of their health condition.